About Andy Lockridge & Associates
If you think Medicare and Social Security are confusing … you’re right.
They’re almost impossible to navigate on your own.
Government websites (www.medicare.gov and www.ssa.gov) are discouraging, even though they try to be helpful – they’re too densely packed with information to understand, let alone act on.
That’s why we we’re here. To take the mystery out of Medicare. To help you maximize your social security benefits. With experience reaching all the way back to 1995.
Top producer, clear answers
Back then Andy Lockridge focused on long-term health care – one of the top producers in the United States. His average client age was 73.
Then, the average age of his clients began to dip, and more people asked about Medicare. So Andy studied. He learned everything there was to learn about Medicare. And while he advised his questioners, he increasingly noted this interesting response:
“We talk to a lot of consultants about Medicare, but no one gives us the kinds of clear answers that you do. You should put this advice out to the general public”.
So Andy decided on two actions.
First, he created a course, Making Sense of Medicare, that he taught at community colleges and associations throughout Arizona. Thousands of people have now attended this course and the feedback is almost always the same: “This course should be mandatory for everyone nearing Medicare age!”
Second – in words and videos – Andy put the information on this website, so full access to it is just a click away.
Lightning strikes twice
After Andy’s book, Making Sense of Medicare, had impacted lives for several years, some colleges approached Andy to do the same with a course on social security. Once again, he hit the books, attended training, soaked it all up, and put together a top-grade course.
And he learned a secret that you yourself probably didn’t know until right now: ninety percent of all people who qualify for Social Security do not take all the available benefits. They leave money on the table. Big money. Often as big as $75,000 – $100,000 over their lifetimes.
Don’t be that person. Call Andy at 602-228-6992 to be sure you are paid every penny the federal government owes you. After all, it’s your money.
Authoritative authorship
Most recently, Andy has contributed a chapter on Long-term Care to Aging in Arizona, an authoritative guidebook for people approaching retirement.
You can buy your copy from Andy directly or order one from Amazon.
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